sound pack Farm Ambiences

Nature & Environment /

Farm Ambiences

Pack of 34 sounds WAV stereo 24 bit 96 kHz

Farm Ambiences sound pack provides all the ambient sounds of a farm from the yard to hen house through stable, pig shed, sheepfold, goat shed, field and pasture or orchard.

Description of this sound pack

34 farm ambiences to bespoke your own farming sonic landscapes.


farm, ambience, ambiance, field, pig shed, pigsty, sheepfold, goat shed, stable, hen house, milking, forge, medieval, animal, animal call, rooster, poultry, pasture, harvest, fruit picking, agriculture, rearing, breeding


  • Pack of 34 sounds (34 files)
  • WAV stereo 24 bit 96 kHz
  • Total duration 61 mn
  • Royalty free, extended licence
  • Metadata + Tracklisting included
  • 1960 Mb file
  • Fast and immediate download

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