sound pack Australia Nature

Ambiances of the world /

Australia Nature

Pack of 63 sounds WAV stereo 24 bit 48 kHz

More than a sound library or a sonic road trip, Australia Nature is a testimony of the Australian and Tasmanian environmental richness.

Description of this sound pack

From the North to the South, the East to the West, we recorded 63 ambiances of pure nature with no trace of human footsteps : rainforest and outback, beach, barrier reef and wild island, amazing bird songs and frogs, and much more


Australia, Tasmania, nature, wildlife, bird, frog, outback, rainforest, beach, shore, seagull, environment, forest, documentary, background, river, geyser, crocodile, landscape


  • Pack of 63 sounds (63 files)
  • WAV stereo 24 bit 48 kHz
  • Total duration 168 mn
  • Royalty free, extended licence
  • Metadata + Tracklisting included
  • 2570 Mb file
  • Fast and immediate download

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